Friday, July 10, 2009


People need to get their pets spayed or neutered. Its kitten/puppy season. There is an explosion in unwanted kittens and puppies this time of year every year. I found 2 kittens nearly dead in front of a Big Lots 2 years ago. Best cats I've ever owned. Found a stray dog in my yard, fed him. He's been the best dog anyone could ever want. Perfectly good living creatures thrown away like trash. Because an irresponsible owner of a pet couldn't be bothered to get their animal spayed or neutered. I hate to think of what eventually happened to the mama cat or dog. It became more trouble than the owner wanted to deal with and they tossed it too? It cost too much to take care of? There are no excuses. There are so many programs available for people to get help with getting pets altered. So many adoption agencies, shelters,online advertising spaces, paper ads.

There is a kitten outside our local Wal-green, I have been trying to catch. He's pitiful. If I can catch him/her I will get it tested for fel-luc/fel-hiv, get its shots and find it a home under the restriction that the kitten must be fixed when old enough. My best friend has 3 cats. He found them all as strays. now he has found 3 litters outside his home. 7 living kittens and 1 dead. This is in an affluent neighborhood. These people CAN AFFORD to get their pets altered! They don't do it for what reason? I DON'T understand! There isn't any legitimate reason for more and more unwanted animals to be born when we have the ability to stop the suffering, stop the litters being born. Pets that are spayed/neutered, live longer have fewer health problems.

Want to know more about spaying and neutering your pets?
go here HSUS

Want to know where you can get a good price on getting a pet spayed or neutered?
Go here:


PLEASE please don't sit by and be a part of the problem by not taking action!

These are my strays I saved.

There are far too many more out there.

Spay or neuter your pet.

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